
『Ode To My Father』

The Aging/Age reduction VFX methods that foton inc. has developed and presented in 2012, has now been enjoying its greater evolution. foton inc. can now age reduce actors in their 40’s to look like their 20's or age as old as their 70's.


The film “Ode To My Father” has been released on December, 2014 in Korea and recorded an audience in excess of 10 million in a single month.

(13,200,000 moviegoers as of 12th February, 2015)

In this film, about the life-story of an ordinary man, Mr. Hwang Jeong-min has played the leading part in the film with the role's age ranging from 20’s to 70’s without a double. This is why our VFX was needed.

The footage shows a part of the scenes of “20’s” with Age Reduction VFX.
In “20’s” scenes, the actors did not wear any special effect make-ups. We made them younger keeping their expressions alive as in the original film, and also without missing their sensitive and emotional acting.
So far, in order to give such “Aging/Age reduction” VFX, the special effects make-up has been essential However, because of the thickness of the materials and the skin cramps, the special effects make-ups sometimes become obstacles to act. Also making-up and touching-up take time during very limited shooting period.

In the film “Ode To My Father”, the special effects make-up for “70’s has been made by “love Larson” from Sweden, who had performed make-ups in the film “007/ Skyfall”.

Making the best use of those make-ups, we, foton inc., revise muscles and wrinkles hanging down as required and let the pupil and eyebrow age, which shall be difficult to be expressed only with special effects make-ups.