
"Movie Retouch" featured in May Issue of [COMMERCIAL PHOTO] and its website [Shuffle]

The commercials that were retouched by foton Inc. motion including [SHISEIDO THE COLLAGEN], [FUJIFILM ASTALIFT], [KIRIN FIRE neo], etc. are currently being streamed on-air. Parts of these commercials were featured in the May issue of COMMERCIAL PHOTO and its website, [Shuffle]. Also, foton`s executive retoucher Kei NISHIYAMA is featured in the Japanese tie-up advertisement page, where she speaks on movie retouching.


For a more detailed article, please click the link below to view the entire feature on [Shuffle].

detailed article


AKIRA KAI’s Work as Main Visuals for Intuos5 by Wacom

The work of our CEO, Akira KAI, has become the main visual for the advertisement campaigns of Wacom Co. Ltd.’s latest Intuos5(released on May 16th).
This campaign was created and displayed in many mediums such as; Store Posters, Product Catalogs, Magazine Ads, Websites, etc.

Akira KAI의 작품이 Wacom社 Intuos5 광고의 메인 비주얼이 되다.

3월16일 출시 예정인 Wacom社 Intuos5의 광고에 메인 비주얼로 foton Inc. Akira KAI 대표의 작품이 기용되었습니다. 매장 포스터, 상품 카탈로그, 잡지 광고, 웹사이트, 등등 많은 곳에서 활용되고 있습니다.



Appeared on GQ Japan

In the 2012 April issue of GQ Japan, foton Inc. and its movie retouching skills were covered in the main special feature, “Japan as Number One [Japan’s most proud Objects, Things, and People to the World] alongside the famous Japanese Fast Train [SHINKANSEN] and [Super Mario Brothers]. foton Inc. was introduced as a company to withhold one of Japan’s most proud world-class techniques.
This feature of foton Inc. was recommended by Editor-in Chief Yasushi KAWAMOTO from [COMMERCIAL PHOTO].


2012년 GQ JAPAN 4월호 "Japan as Number One: 세계에서 자랑스러운 일본의 物-事-人" 메인 특집에 일본 고속 열차 신칸센,Super Mario Brothers 과 나란히 foton Inc.의 영상 리터칭 기술이 세계에서 자랑스러운 일본의 기술로 소개되었습니다.
이번 게재는 [COMMERCIAL PHOTO]의 Yasushi KAWAMOTO 편집장님이 추천해주셨습니다.
